Monday, March 24, 2014

Movie #4: "Grace Unplugged" -- 'Don't Give Up Movies for Lent' Series

Greetings everyone!
I wanted to publicize the change of movies and venue ahead of time to keep everyone on board!
On Wednesday, March 26, we will watch this movie in the Sanctuary, at the Dawn Drive entrance.
 We will now be viewing "Grace Unplugged," which ran in theaters last October, and just had the DVD release in February.
Here is the link to the preview:

 Here is a short article by one of the producers as he gets candid about the struggles of passing the faith-life on to our adult-children, as well as to teens.
"Trusting God with A Prodigal Child" by Russ Rice

 Thanks for helping make this film series such a buzz!  As always, RSVP to Pastor Gary at
Glory to God,

Saturday, March 22, 2014

You Can Make a Difference

In our last family activity, we talked
about Compassion & shared the
story of The Good Samaritan. 
Here is a way that your family can make a difference:
Sponsor a child locally or find one through a relief organization such as Compassion International.

(Compassion International is the world’s largest Christian child development organization. Through their Child Sponsorship Program, Compassion tackles global poverty one child at a time, serving more than 1.3 million children in 26 of the world’s poorest countries. For more information about Compassion, visit

Friday, March 21, 2014

Good Samaritan - Weekly Splink! Family Activity

Good Samaritan
Item needed: a box of Band-Aids
Encourage “compassion-showing” all week by rewarding kids (with a “Good Samaritan” award—a Band-Aid) when they think of others.
What is a Good Samaritan? (The name comes from a story Jesus told about a Samaritan—a man from Samaria—who helped a man who had been wounded and robbed.)
What did the Good Samaritan do for the man? (He cared enough to stop and take care of his wounds, took him to get help, paid money for care to help him get better, etc.)
What is compassion? (An awareness of someone’s suffering with a desire to try to help him or her; feeling someone else’s pain and doing something about it; etc.)
The Good Samaritan showed compassion to the wounded man. First, he noticed that the robbed man was hurt and desperately in need. Second, he did something about it.
The first part of compassion is recognizing when others are hurting or need something.
The second part is being willing to do what you can to help them.
Brainstorm ways your family can show compassion. (A good way to jumpstart the conversation is to ask what they would like someone to do for them when they are __________ (lonely, sad, too busy, afraid, tired, hungry, disappointed, hurt, etc.)
Showing compassion can be as simple as giving someone a smile. There are big and small ways to show compassion, but all are meaningful to the one in need of care.
Every time you see someone in your family showing compassion (kindness), make a big deal of it and give them a “Good Samaritan” badge (a Band-Aid).
***If you have older kids, (who might not “appreciate” a Band-Aid), give verbal praise—a powerful motivator to encourage compassion showing.
Read the D6 blog on
Tell us your stories using #d6splink
*Devotional content taken from D6 Family Splink! Conversation Starters.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Movie #3 -- "The Son of God" -- 'Don't Give Up Movies for Lent' Series

Hi Everyone, Here are the details for tonight's movie in our pre-Easter Series "Don't Give Up Movies for Lent!"

Please RSVP for this one by emailing Pastor Gary at: LeadPastor@rhcc4.orgAlso, if you have any questions, please ask!
Theater Details
"The Son of God"

7:00 pm
Cinemark Cedar Park -- 1890 Ranch Shopping Center

you can buy your tickets ahead of time online if you want at either:
make sure you pick the 7 pm at Cedar Park choice for 3/19!

Table-Talk Afterwards
Rosa's Cafe
Address: 1509 E Whitestone Blvd, Cedar Park, TX 78613
right in front of Mardels
Phone:(512) 259-0505
To Look at Before You Go
(1) You have time to read the book first!
Read at least one of the gospels from the New Testament before we go. It takes about 60 to 90 minutes to read one in one sitting

... or have it read to you ... listen to one of the options here:
(2) This link from the official movie website has video bytes by an amazing array of Christian pastors and leaders; take you pick and hear what they have to say!

Many Smiles,

I love Spring!!!

I hope you are all enjoying the GLORIOUS weather that God has given us!  I know that we are.  :)

Here's another fun activity for you to do with your family, brought to you from D6 Splink!

Go to the grocery store and let each child pick out their favorite fruit. As you share it, talk about what that fruit needed to grow. (If you have older kids, you may ask them to find out something that others may not know about their fruit.)
For example: A pineapple plant starts from the pineapple itself (from the leafy top). Once the pineapple head takes root, it will take two to three years to bear fruit and it grows to be almost 4 feet high by 4 feet wide. Once it is matured, a large flower will grow in the middle of the plant and eventually be replaced by a pineapple itself. Once the pineapple is harvested, a new fruit will grow in its place the following year. That is a lot of work for one pineapple.
What does a plant need to grow fruit? (Good soil, water, sunlight, right temperature, etc.)
Growing fruit is a slow process (usually). When we plant the seed of God’s Word in our minds, it will produce fruit—not the kind we can eat, but good
qualities and actions.
Read Galatians 5:22-23 aloud.
What are some of the fruit the Holy Spirit will produce in us? (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, meekness, and self-control)
The more we read and obey the Bible, the more we will see good things—fruit- in our life.
Happy Wednesday, Friends!
*Devotion and activity taken from D6 Splink! Conversation Starters.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome Spring! A Family Activity: Planted in Good Soil

Planted in Good Soil

Items needed: Packet of seeds; Flowerpots or starter pots; Soil
Plant some seeds (that can later be transplanted into your garden or yard) as a way to talk about how the different kinds of soils (hearts) received the seed (the Word).
Some questions to ask:
Does it matter where the seed is planted?
What might happen to the seed if the ground is hard or rocky or filled with thorns?
Why is important for the seed to be planted in good soil?
Jesus said the Word of God is like a seed. Our hearts are the different types of soil. (If you want to refresh your memory about the different soils/hearts, read Mark 4:3-8; 14-20.)
How is the Bible like a seed? (The Bible has everything in it to make you grow into a strong Christian. 1 Peter 2:2)
The Bible is God’s truth and contains all we need to grow to be more like Jesus. It can help us learn how to get to heaven, to be a good friend, to forgive our enemies, and to grow in love and many other good qualities.
What things can keep God’s Word from helping us? (We don’t listen to it; we don’t do what it says; we don’t think about it; we are more concerned about other things; etc.)
Just as we must plant the seed in good soil, we must also pay attention to it. We must water it and give it sunlight. If we neglect the plant for too long, it will wither and die. We must pay attention to God’s Word. We must read it, think about it, do what it says…then it will produce good things in us.
Hi Friends!  I'm so excited that Spring has sprung!  I love when the time changes, our days are longer, the temperatures are perfect, the birds are singing, and we are spending time outside.  Here at RHCC, Spring is also a great time of renewal.  As we go through our Lent journey, I like to remind myself that we are constantly planting seeds.  In our kids, in our friends, in our homes.  There are many days where I don't feel adequate, or that I am "good enough" or that I am capable of growing my babies up right.  Then I remember...I am a seed planter.  There are always going to be days that it seems like I don't water my seeds enough, or they don't get enought Sonlight.  But as long as we are planting seeds, and tending to them as much as possible - they will take root and they will grow and flourish.  I pray that you know that too!
Many Smiles,
*Devotional and Family Activity taken from D6 Splink Conversation Starters.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week Two: Don't Give Up Movies For Lent: "Acts of God"

Here are the details for the next film in the pre-Easter Series "Don't Give Up Movies for Lent!"
If you have any questions, please ask!
Theater Details
"Acts of God"
7:15 pm
Fellowship Hall
Rolling Hills Community Church
It's absolutely free; no tickets necessary!
Table-Talk Afterwards

Fellowship Hall
Rolling Hills Community Church
menu: bring the snack foods and drinks you would have
as if you were watching a movie at home (... excepting alcohol!)

To Look at Before You Go
(1) Retired pastor Bob Russell wrote the screenplay, as well as plays the pastor in the movie; hear a great explanation for what he wrote and what you will see:
(2) Pastor Bob has a son who is both an actor and is in law enforcement; meet his son Phil, who plays in "Acts of God":